What is microlearning: benefits and examples

What is microlearning: benefits and examples
Even in today’s fast-paced world, learning is an essential part of a life of a determined employee. That’s why microlearning has become a buzzword in the world of education and training.

The definition of microlearning refers it to bite-sized pieces of learning content that are designed to be consumed quickly and easily. The idea of getting knowledge in small chunks is perfect for busy professionals who want to learn on-the-go, as they can access the necessary information from anywhere with an internet connection. And, great news, both hard and soft skills fit the microlearning strategy.

But microlearning training is not just about convenience, it also boasts a number of benefits. This is what we’re going to talk about in the next few minutes, so whether you’re a business owner or an employee looking to upskill, read on to discover everything you need to know about microlearning.

Microlearning vs macrolearning

A complete opposite of microlearning is macrolearning. Having the part “macro” means it refers to longer, more in-depth learning experiences. It often involves comprehensive training programs that cover a wide range of topics. Microlearning, on the other hand, focuses on a specific learning objective and is ideal for learners who want to learn niche skills or knowledge. While macrolearning may be more appropriate for complex topics or skills, microlearning is ideal for quick, targeted learning.

Microlearning vs traditional learning

Traditional learning, such as classroom-based training or online courses, often involves long lectures or lessons that can last for hours. This can be overwhelming for learners, who may struggle to retain all the information. This is why there is a boost of applying microlearning in corporate training instead of tiresome seminars. Microlearning breaks down complex topics into small, easily digestible parts that are easier for learners to understand and remember.

Microlearning examples

Microlearning can be delivered in various formats. The main goal here is to find the one that fits the students and fulfills their needs in skills and knowledge.

Here are some microlearning course examples you can incorporate:
  • Short video tutorials
    that can be easily consumed by learners and provide a visual demonstration of a specific skill or concept.
  • Podcasts
    are an excellent way to deliver microlearning content, as learners can listen to podcasts while commuting or doing other activities.
  • Infographics
    are ideal for conveying complex information in a simple and concise manner.
  • Quizzes
    are an interactive way to deliver microlearning content that can be used to test learners’ knowledge or to reinforce learning objectives.
  • Interactive games 
    help digest content in a fun and engaging way.
Microlearning can also be used in a variety of industries and settings, which makes it a very flexible approach. It can be used as a part of your e-learning program or help you make in-person classes more valuable.

Here are some examples of microlearning applied by different industries:
In the healthcare industry, microlearning is often used to train nurses and other healthcare professionals on specific procedures or protocols. For example, a nurse may access a module on how to properly catheterize a patient or administer a particular medication.
In the marketing industry, microlearning can be used to train employees on new marketing techniques or technologies. For example, it can be useful for a marketer who is learning how to use the analytics tool on a social media platform or how to use a new email marketing tool.
In the retail industry, microlearning is used for training employees on new products, sales techniques, or customer service protocols. Microlearning modules can include topics like handling difficult customers, upselling products and services, or understanding the different features of a product.
Working in finance requires a deep understanding of financial regulations and procedures. Microlearning provides an efficient way for professionals, such as accountants, to sharpen their skillset - from preparing financial statements to more complex aspects like forecasting budgets.
Customer service
In customer service, microlearning is an invaluable way of providing employees with the knowledge they need to face new challenges. With just a few clicks, representatives can find information on how to effectively resolve even the most complicated customer inquiries and complaints – ensuring that all customers are met with outstanding care and support.
The education industry is leveraging microlearning to arm teachers and educators with the latest teaching techniques. From virtual reality in classrooms, to more efficient ways of engaging students, these short-form modules are providing expansive opportunities for learning professionals everywhere.
As you can see, microlearning has the potential to redefine the corporate learning culture, and bring innovation even in the most traditional and long-established industries. But what it exactly does it bring to the “business” table?

Benefits of microlearning

There are many benefits of microlearning for business. Educational and training programs that use this approach are often characterized by these four adjectives:
Microlearning modules are designed to be short and focused, which means that learners are more likely to retain the information they have learned. This is because the content is easier to digest and remember than longer, more complex lessons.
Microlearning modules are usually online-based, thus, can be accessed from anywhere, at any time, which makes them more convenient for learners who have busy schedules or work remotely. This means that learners can fit their training around their other commitments, rather than having to attend scheduled classes or workshops.
Microlearning is often more cost-effective than traditional classroom-based training or online courses. This is because it requires less time and resources to create, and can be delivered to a larger audience at a lower cost.
Microlearning modules can be tailored to the specific needs of the learner, which means that employees can focus on the areas they need to improve on. This makes the training more efficient and effective, as people are not wasting time on content that they already know.

How to create microlearning content for staff training

Creating microlearning content for corporate education can be a great way to improve employee skills and productivity. But how do you approach it? Designing a microlearning course is not that different from a traditional classroom material:

Identify the specific skills or knowledge that you want your staff to learn.
Choose the format that best suits your learning objectives.
Prepare the content and upload it to a microlearning platform for corporate learning
Test the learning module with a small group of learners and evaluate their feedback. Use this feedback to improve the content.

Pretty basic, right? But we’ve already mentioned what differentiates microlearning from traditional and macrolearning – its bite-sized, practical, and visual nature. So, let’s get down to the tips for effective microlearning content development:
Keep it simple
Keep the content simple and easy to understand. Avoid complex language or jargon, and focus on delivering the key information in a clear and concise way.
Use multimedia
Use a variety of multimedia formats, such as videos, podcasts, and infographics, to make the content more engaging and interactive. This will help to keep learners interested and motivated.
Make it interactive
Include interactive elements, such as quizzes or games, to make the content more engaging and to reinforce learning.
Be specific
Don’t try to cover too much content in a single microlearning module – instead focus on one specific key point or concept. You can then build upon that topic with other modules if necessary.
Focus on outcomes
While designing the content, have the learning outcomes in mind. What do you want your staff to know and understand after completing the module? Make sure each module has a clear purpose and that it is helping them reach those objectives.

Top 5 best microlearning platforms

The microlearning tools you choose can make or break the whole training system. That’s why you should use a trusted solution that is accessible both on desktop and mobile. t also should have the capabilities to include your own materials and not only use the external sources.

There are many microlearning platforms available, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Having said that, here are our top 5 picks:
1. CleverLMS
CleverLMS is a learning management system for microlearning and macrolearning that allows organizations to deliver training and development programs to their employees. It offers a user-friendly interface that allows learners to access training materials on any device, including mobile phones and tablets. Plus, the automated reports help you stay on top of your team's progress without the hassle of manual tracking.

2. EdApp
EdApp is a mobile-friendly learning management system designed for modern learners. It offers a range of features, including ready-made courses, job assessment tools, performance tracking capabilities, and team certificates. The platform is highly customizable, allowing organizations to tailor their training programs to their specific needs.
3. iSpring Learn
iSpring Learn is a powerful and versatile microlearning platform. This cloud-based solution works great for upskilling employees, improving the workflow, and even building an HR brand. It also features customizable content, gamification elements, social learning tools and automated reports to help keep track of progress without manual tracking.
4. 7taps
7taps works both as a standalone application and a part of other platforms like Miro and other helpful facilitation tools. It has multiple templates for creating educational content – from quizzes to open-ended questions – as well as statistics tracking capabilities.
5. Master-O
Master-O is an LMS that provides customizable templates for educational materials and lets you use gamification techniques to engage the learners even more. With this platform, you can create a unified training program for every department in your company.

Microlearning is a powerful tool for education and training, offering many benefits over traditional learning methods. Breaking down complex topics into small, easily digestible modules makes it easier for learners to understand and retain information. It is also more convenient, cost-effective, and customizable than traditional learning methods. With the right microlearning platform, organizations can create and deliver content that meets the specific learning objectives of their staff.


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