As you see, the human brain has several inherent features that are better to be counted and used. The importance of continuous learning in the workplace is that it is highly consistent with the brain’s motivation and execution system, enabling learners to refresh skills regularly and apply them with enthusiasm. You’ll make the dopamine system your friend, not an adversary who’ll block all your efforts and motivate an employee only on watching cat videos or distracting otherwise.
By organizing continuous learning for employees, you ensure not only their competence but their loyalty. It’s natural for people to be social and eager both to compete and cooperate. Friendly competition enables them to become better and more motivated, while cooperation is the way to reach much larger results than alone. This learning approach combines two processes, as employees cooperate during learning while working together to generate new ideas and apply their skills in practice.
It is also important to ensure the competence grow of every employee and the company in general. The continuous professional learning consists of a series of carefully chosen learning materials dedicated to a specific skillset of each of your employee. People want to become better, and this motivation is even larger than the desire to earn more money. If you’ll propose them the ability to learn something new and important, they’ll reward you with loyalty and increased efficiency.
The lifelong learning and continuous improvement is similar to how athletes use regular training to support their muscles. This approach has many advantages, and the most important is the stability of its results. Athletes who train regularly, in certain periods of time, refreshing their muscles,
have much lower injury chances and much higher results. Training the brain and muscles is similar in many ways: both of them require motivation, regularity, and feedback while rewarding with stable growth.