Let’s start by defining roles and exploring opportunities. Then, we can delve into each opportunity and show how exactly it can be implemented. But what exactly is the artificial intelligence technology that is so widely discussed today?
It is algorithmic technology, based on the possibility for software algorithms to obtain information from various sources and proceed with it to complete some predefined tasks in the best way possible. It emerged from the early cybernetic studies of scientists like John von Neumann and Alan Turing about the nature of informational processing and the possibility of the intelligent machine.
There are different ways of using AI for learning and development. When large amounts of information need to be processed, be it content or user data, it can speed up the work many times. According to the
2020 review by Lijia Chen et al., education AI mostly uses course materials, learning targets, student personality, and instructor data.
Before diving into the usage of AI, let’s look closer at what’s going on in the L&D industry.