These two approaches can be easily combined, as we don’t need to give up the advantages of the well-organized learning flow to obtain the benefits of personalized education.
At first, we can integrate LXP with various management systems, including LMSs, if you use some of them. The rich integration abilities of LXP enable it to use functions of other platforms seamlessly, so it can use the LMS content library to enhance its generated courses.
In addition, you can combine the features of creating structured courses with curated content delivery, which is good for
synchronous and asynchronous learning, respectively. If shortly, the former is the highly regulated online course to master a specific skill or concept, while the latter is a collection of knowledge that learners can use to study at their own pace. Combine the benefits of xAPIs and personalization with task management, and you’ll be all set!
To select appropriate LMS/LXP platforms for uplifting your teams, we need to understand its must-have features and how to utilize them to reach benefits. That’s what we’ll do now.